Wanted List Reviews and Ratings
This web page provides user reviews and ratings for Wanted List dvd rentals. Our site offers data about online DVD movie rentals, DVD movie clubs and places to purchases DVDs online. For this web site's data on Wanted List, check out the Wanted List page.
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Shown first are the average ratings of WantedList.com based on every rating that has been submitted for Wanted List. Continue below to browse Wanted List reviews and individual ratings for Wanted List dvd movie rentals.
Average Wanted List User Rating (1 = poor, 3 = average, 5 = excellent)
Overall Overall Satisfaction
| Selection Number and Range of Titles
| Availability Availability of Selected Titles
| Value Cost & Value of Service
| Features Site features and ease of use
| Shipping Speed Turnaround & Delivery Time
Average based on 5 user ratings
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See the top of this page for the average ratings for Wanted List. These are a calculation based on all the feedback submitted to AllDVDRentals.com. To read individual ratings and reviews for this service continue on below.
Wanted List Reviews and Ratings
1. Wanted List Rating Submitted on June 3, 2010
| Selection
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| Features
| Shipping Speed
By john lee from daleville,alabama
2. Wanted List Rating Submitted on July 29, 2006
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| Shipping Speed
3. Wanted List Rating Submitted on June 23, 2006
| Selection
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| Value
| Features
| Shipping Speed
4. "Fairly Mediocre" Submitted on April 3, 2006
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| Shipping Speed
I like the idea of renting porn on the internet, and my girlfriend and I did just that with wantedlist, but the movies were always broken when they arrived. The envelopes fall open, so it does not help privacy. My girlfriend is a school teacher, and we live in a small neighborhood. Our privacy was really not taken care off. They have a pretty nifty customer service button, and you can always be sure to get in a conversation with one of the girls. But if you want anything done, it's better to call them directly at 866-926-8339, or else Brooke could keep you waiting for days. Overall, we cancelled fairly quickly, it was just not worth our time. By John Fairfield from Minnesota
5. Wanted List Rating Submitted on February 24, 2006
| Selection
| Availability
| Value
| Features
| Shipping Speed
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