Columbia House DVD Movie Club
DVD movie clubs like Columbia House DVD Club are a great way to build your dvd movie collection without spending much. Columbia House offers great deals to attract new customers to their dvd club, and continues to offer special deals to interest you in the latest movies.
Columbia House DVD Club Right now Columbia House DVD Club has a fantastic offer where you can get 3 DVDs for just $1 each! This is a risk-free offer because the introductory package is sent on a 10-day trial basis that you can reutrn for any reason if you are not satisfied. Go to Columbia House to take advantage of this deal now!
If you've joined other music or DVD clubs before, you already know how the Columbia House DVD Club works. After you get your $1 DVDs, you will need to purchase a number of additional DVD movies at regular prices within the next year.
Two years gives you plenty of time to find movies that you want, so you don't have to worry about buying them right away. Although regular prices at Columbia House might be a little higher than sale prices at discounters, when you factor in the DVDs you got for only one dollar the average price of the dvds is very low. This remains true even after you have purchased all the full priced dvds to fulfill your Columbia House membership commitment.
As the largest DVD club, Columbia House has tons of the best DVDs available to members. Check it out at, and you will likely find the newest releases you have been looking for, as well as many of your past favorites.
So find out why Columbia House is the most popular DVD club out there, and get started with 3 DVDs for $1 Each. With a fantastic deal like this, that may not last forever, now is the time to join Colombia House DVD Club!
For more information, to start picking out your $1 Columbia House DVDs, or join the Columbia House DVD Club, click to go to Columbia House DVD Club.
Many people spell Columbia House DVD Club as Colombia House DVD Club, but Columbia House is the correct spelling.
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If you are interested in other dvd clubs, check out our information on the Disney Movie Club.
Perhaps a DVD movie club isn't ideal for you and you would be better off with online dvd rentals. Some of the best dvd rental services include Walmart DVD Rentals, Netflix, Blockbuster, and DVD Avenue. We also have information on where you can Buy DVD Movies Online.
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